Indian Raisin Exporter
Indian raisin exporters are renowned for offering a wide range of exquisite golden, black, Malayar, and brown raisins. These delightful dried fruits are renowned for their captivating sweetness and distinctive wrinkled texture, making them a cherished choice among individuals worldwide. Not only are they a treat for the taste buds, but they also offer a multitude of health benefits, making them a versatile ingredient in culinary arts.
Raisins are a powerhouse of nutrition, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are a good source of fiber, which can help regulate digestion and promote feelings of fullness. Raisins also contain potassium, which helps maintain blood pressure levels.
Additionally, raisins are rich in antioxidants, which can help protect cells from damage.
When evaluating the quality of Indian raisins, it’s important to understand the grading system. These raisins are categorized into different grades, each signifying a particular level of excellence. The highest echelons of quality are represented by the esteemed grades of AAA, AA, and A, which are synonymous with exceptional excellence. On the other hand, raisin grades B and C are used to indicate average quality.
Indian raisin exporters cater to a global clientele, with their products reaching various countries. Some of the prominent destinations in the Indian raisin export market include the UAE, Indonesia, the Netherlands, Iraq, Poland, Malaysia, Vietnam, Russia, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. This wide reach reflects the widespread appreciation and demand for these delectable dried fruits across the world.
Raisin Products
Production Process
Raisins, the dried form of grapes, are a popular snack and ingredient. Here is a brief overview of the raisin production process:
Cultivation: Grapes are grown in vineyards, which require sufficient sunlight, well-drained soil, and irrigation. Fertile soil is also essential for harvesting high-quality grapes. Ripe grapes are hand-picked by experienced workers.
Pre-Treatment: Grapes are washed and cleaned, sometimes being dipped in an alkaline solution. This helps to remove any dirt or debris and to prevent the growth of mold and bacteria.
Drying Methods: There are two main methods for drying grapes: sun-drying and mechanical drying.

Sun-drying: Grapes are spread out and exposed to the sun for weeks. This is the traditional method of drying raisins, and it results in a naturally sweet and flavorful product.
Mechanical drying: Specialized machines dry grapes quickly and efficiently. This method is often used in commercial raisin production, as it allows for a larger volume of raisins to be produced in a shorter amount of time.

Sorting and Grading: Once the grapes have been dried, they are sorted and graded based on size, color, and quality. This ensures that only the highest quality raisins are packaged and sold.
Quality Control: Regular inspections and testing are conducted to ensure that Indian raisin exporters meet all quality standards. This ensures that customers receive a high-quality product that is safe to consume.

Our sources are direct from framers and stockiest. We process under our supervision as per quality standards.
Packaging and Storage:
Raisins are packaged in boxes, bags, or containers and stored in cool, dry places.
This helps to preserve their freshness and quality.
Raisin Export from Satdal International
Satdal International is one of the finest raisin exporters, traders, and manufacturer’s representatives in India. We are known in the market for our best quality and competitive prices. We supply many types of raisins, as listed below (mention in different language).
1. Green Raisins: [ الزبيب الأخضر (Al-Zabib Al-Akhḍar), Grüne Rosinen, Raisins verts, Kismis Hijau,(русский): Зеленые изюминки (Zelenye izyuminki), Nho xanh]
2. Black Brown Raisins: [الزبيب الأسود البني (Al-Zabib Al-Aswad Al-Buni), Schwarze Braune Rosinen , Raisins noirs bruns, Kismis Hitam Coklat, Черно-коричневые изюминки (Cherno-korichnevye izyuminki), Nho đen nâu]
3. Black Raisins: [الزبيب الأسود (Al-Zabib Al-Aswad), Schwarze Rosinen, Raisins noirs, Kismis Hitam, Черные изюминки (Chernye izyuminki), Nho đen
4. Sangli Golden Raisin: [زبيب سانجلي الذهبي (Zabib Sangli Al-Dhahabi), Sangli Goldene Rosine, Raisin doré de Sangli, Kismis Emas Sangli, Золотые изюминки из Сангли (Zolotye izyuminki iz Sangli), Nho Vàng Sangli]
5. Golden Nashik Raisin الزبيب ناشيك الذهبي: (Zabib Nashik Al-Dhahabi), Goldene Nashik Rosinen, Raisins dorés de Nashik, Kismis Emas Nashik, Золотые изюминки из Нашика (Zolotye izyuminki iz Nashika), Nho Vàng Nashik
6. Malayar Raisins: [زبيب مالايار (Zabib Malayar), Malayar Rosinen, Raisins de Malayar, Kismis Malayar, Изюм Малаяр (Izyum Malayar), Nho Malayar
7. Bird feed Raisins: [زبيب الطيور (Zabib al-Tuyoor), Vogelfutter Rosinen, Raisins pour oiseaux, Kismis Makanan Burung, Изюм для птиц (Izyum dlya ptits), Nho làm thức ăn cho chim]
8. Industrial Raisins: [زبيب صناعي (Zabib Sina’i), Industrie-Rosinen, Raisins industriels, Kismis Industri, Промышленные изюминки (Promyshlennye izyuminki), Nho công nghiệp